Publications |
Astronomy Picture of the Day / APOD |
APOD at 26. October 2017
https://apod.nasa.gov/apod/ap171026.html |
APOD at 27. October 2016
https://apod.nasa.gov/apod/ap161027.html |
APOD at 10. April 2012
http://apod.nasa.gov/apod/ap120410.html |
APOD at 02. November 2011
http://apod.nasa.gov/apod/ap111102.html |
APOD at 11. March 2011
http://apod.nasa.gov/apod/ap110311.html |
APOD at 19. November 2010
http://apod.nasa.gov/apod/ap101119.html |
APOD at 6. November 2010
Images at manufacturer's galleries: |
forum.10micron.eu |
(Submenu "Astronomy")
www.planewave.com |
TV-Interview |
TV-Interview 7. May 2012
SWR Landesschau Baden-Würtemberg
Video |
Publications in astronomy-journals und newspapers: |
VdS-Journal No. 41 / 42 2012 (II and III 2012)
Review: H-alpha Sunfilter-Systems (Part 1 + 2)
Coronado SM90 vs. Solar Spectrum 0.5A ASO |
VdS-Journal Nr. 36 / December 2010
Rewiew: 11" Edge-HD Hyperstar (Part 2) |
VdS-Journal Nr. 35 / September 2010
Review: Celestron 11" Edge HD ( Part 1 |
VdS-Journal Nr. 34 / Juli 2010
"Astrophotography and balcony observatory" |
Ludwigsburger Kreiszeitung
at 13. October 2011
Article about Astrophotography |
Ludwigsburger Kreiszeitung
at 6. Oktober 2011
Article about Astrophotography |
Ludwigsburger Kreiszeitung at 2. Juni 2009
Astronomyevent in Remseck
(public star observing)

Stuttgarter Zeitung at 24. April 2009
About my hobby |
Ludwigsburger Kreiszeitung vom 22. April 2009
About my hobby |
Images in books and astronomy-journals: |
Astroimage of the week # 44 / 2016
Sharpless 2-155 Cave Nebula
TEC 110 FL
FLI ML 16803-65 |
Sterne und Weltraum 1 / 2013
M 16 - Eagle-Nebula
TEC 180 FL
FLI ML 16803-65 |
Sterne und Weltraum 12 / 2012
NGC 6888 - Crescent-Nebula
TEC 180 FL
FLI ML 16803-65 |
Vatican Observatory Calendar 2013
NGC 7380 "Wizard-Nebula"
Planewave 12.5" CDK
FLI ML 16803-65 |
The Webb Deep-Sky Society
April 2012 - Picture of the Month
NGC 2264 -
Christmas-Tree Cluster with Cone and Fox Fur Nebula
TEC 110 FL
FLI ML 16803-65 |
Ciel & Espace Image of the day 11. April 2012
NGC 2264 -
Christmas-Tree Cluster with Cone and Fox Fur Nebula
Planewave 12.5" CDK
FLI ML 16803-65 |
Sterne und Weltraum 4 / 2012
M 31 - Andromeda Galaxy
TEC 110 FL
FLI ML 16803-65 |
nuovo Orione Marzo 2012 (Italian Astro Magazin)
M 31 Andromeda-Galaxy
TEC 110 FL
FLI ML 16803-65 |
- Sterne und Weltraum 1 / 2012
- nuovo Orione Marzo 2012 (Italian Astro Magazin)
IC 1318 "Butterfly-Nebula"
TEC 110 FL
FLI ML 16803-65 |
Sterne und Weltraum 1 / 2012
NGC 7380 "Wizard-Nebula"
Planewave 12.5" CDK
FLI ML 16803-65 |
Sterne und Weltraum 1 / 2012
Comet C/2009 P1 Garradd
Planewave 12.5" CDK
FLI ML 16803-65 |
Astroimage of the year 2011 / 1st position
- Sterne und Weltraum 1 / 2012
- nuovo Orione Marzo 2012 (Italian Astro Magazin)
- VdS-Journal II/2012 Nr.41
TEC 110 Fluorit APO
FLI ML 16803-65 |
Astroimage of the week # 43 / 2011
NGC 6820
Planewave 12.5" CDK
FLI ML 16803-65 |
Sterne und Weltraum 7 / 2011
IC 443 "Quallen-Nebel"
TEC 140
FLI ML 16803-65 |
Sterne und Weltraum 5 / 2011
IC 405 "Flamingstar-Nebula"
TEC 140
FLI ML 16803-65 |
Sterne und Weltraum 5 / 2011
Sun - aktive region
TEC 140
SolarSpectrum 0.5A ASO
PointGrey Grashopper |
Sterne und Weltraum 4 / 2011
NGC 1499 "California-Nebula"
TEC 140
FLI ML 16803-65 |
VdS-Journal Nr. 36 / December 2010
Front page:
Comet Hartley 2 meets h/chi doublecluster |
Sterne und Weltraum 01 / 2011
Constellation "Cygnus"
Mamiya 80/1.9 medium format lens
FLI ML 16803-65 |
Sterne und Weltraum 12 / 2010
IC 1396 - Elephant's trunk
TEC 140
FLI ML 16803-65 |
Sterne und Weltraum 12 / 2010
NGC 2683
Planewave CDK 12.5"
FLI ML 16803-65 |
Astroimage of the week # 42 / 2010
NGC 6820
TEC 140
FLI ML 16803-65 |
Sterne und Weltraum 11 / 2010
H-alpha fireworks
TEC 140
SolarSpectrum 0.5A ASO
PointGrey Grashopper
Sterne und Weltraum 11 / 2010
Prominence 7. August 2010
TEC 140
SolarSpectrum 0.5A ASO
PointGrey Grashopper |
Sterne und Weltraum 11 / 2010
Sharpless - 112
TEC 140
FLI ML 16803-65 |
VdS-Journal Nr. 35 / September 2010
globular clusters
Ahnerts Astronomisches Jahrbuch 2013
M 71 |
Book "So viele Fragen stellt das Leben"
Das Kalenderbuch für alle im Haus (Kösel-Verlag)
Author: Rainer Oberthür
News-Artikel at Astronomie.de
(3. Quartal 2010)
Videosequence of an extraordinary fast rising prominence
Astroimage of the Week # 21 / 2010
NGC 2683
Planewave CDK 12.5"
FLI ML 16803-65 |
Sterne und Weltraum 6 / 2010
NGC 2237 - Rosette-Nebula with "animals"
TEC 140
FLI ML 16803-65 |
Sterne und Weltraum 1 / 2011
Sterne und Weltraum 6 / 2010
NGC 2237 - Rosette-Nebula
TEC 140
FLI ML 16803-65 |
Sterne und Weltraum 3 / 2010
Ahnerts Astronomisches Jahrbuch 2011
Ahnerts Astronomisches Jahrbuch 2013
M 27 - Dumbbell Nebula
Sterne und Weltraum 2 / 2010
Astroimage of the Week
# 44 / 2009 (www.astronomie.de)
NGC 7023 - Iris-Nebula
Planewave CDK 12.5" ALccd 6c / 31 x 1800sec
Astroimage of the Week # 41 / 2009
Globules in IC 1396 (Elephat's trunk)
Planewave CDK 12.5"
ALccd 6c / 35 x 1800sec
Astronomisches Jahrbuch
"Der Himmel 2008"
Leo-Triplett |
STAR Observer October 2004
3/4 Moon 2. April 2004
Celestron C8
Canon Powershot G2, 1/500sec
Eyepiece-projection |
STAR Observer Oktober 2004
Celestron C8 with Thousand Oaks Sunfilter
Canon Powershot G2
Eyepiece-projection |
STAR Observer August-September 2004
Jupiter with it's moons
Celestron C8
Canon Powershot G2, 1/15sec |
STAR Observer April 2004
Southern skies Maledives (my very first astropic!)
Canon Powershot G2, 15sec |

ASTRONOMIE Heute Ausgabe März 3/2004
Celestron C8 mit Thousand Oaks sunfilter
Canon Powershot G2
Eyepiece-projection |
STAR Observer Februar 2004
Mond eclipse 9.November 2003
Celestron C8
Canon Powershot G2
Eyepiece-projection |
STAR Observer Februar 2004
The great Orionnebula
Celestron C8
Canon Powershot G2, ASA200, 15sec
Eyepiece-projection |
STAR Observer Februar 2004
Celestron C8
Canon Powershot G2
Eyepiece-projection |
ASTRONOMIE Heute Jan/Feb 1-2/2004
(single-shot left side - simulation calsky right side) |
fotoDIGITAL 6/2003 Juni
"Four Moonphases"
Canon Powershot G2 at 114/900 Newton
ASTRONOMIE Heute Nov/Dec 5/2003 |
fotoDIGITAL edition 6/2003 June
Canon Powershot G2 at 114/900 Newton
(15sec single-shot, very first deepsky-image) |